FAQ’s – Website Design

1What special skills or knowledge do I need?
None. When you sign up for a full-service site from Turn 2 Interactive, you’re getting a complete solution to all your Web site needs. We’ll listen to you to find out what you want, and then we’ll create a site tailored to meet your business goals. In addition, we’ll take care of the registration, programming, and hosting of your site.
2What special software or hardware do I have to buy?
None. We will handle all of the software and hardware needs of your Web site. Hosting and URL registration are also covered by our package.
3Can I get an e-mail account through Turn 2 Interactive?
When you sign up for a Website, you will receive 1 e-mail account for your business.
4How do I name my site?
The ideal name would be a name that your customers already associate with you, such as your business name. If your company’s name is ABC Signs, Inc., you could register the domain name abcsigns.com. If your business name is not available, think of variations you can use. Then, submit your ideas to our customer service, and they’ll check the availability.
5Do I need a domain name?
Any business can benefit from having a custom domain name, a domain name is crucial. Similar to a customized toll-free phone number, a domain name gives your business a unique identity on the Internet, making it easy for visitors to find and remember your Web site.
6What if I already have a domain name?
No problem! We’ll be glad to transfer your existing domain name to our servers.
7Can I use your services if I already have a Web site?
Yes. If your present site is not effective, we’ll help you bring it up to speed. The Internet marketplace is quickly becoming crowded, so an average Web site is not good enough. To rise above your competition, you’ll have to be different. With Turn 2 Interactive, you’ll have the advantage of a great-looking Web site with simple-to-use navigation. We can help you offer unique content and selections, making your products and services more valuable to your customers.
8Can I use your services if I’m outside the United States?
9How do I order my Web package online?
Just give us a call at 1-800-975-7025 to get started right away.
10What kind of services can I expect from Turn 2 Interactive once I launch my Web
We are constantly monitoring the world of the Web, seeking the best services that will make our customers’ businesses a success in the global market. we will contact you by e-mail to inform you of the latest marketing services and upgrades available.
11What kind of technical support will I get once my site is launched?
Our Technical Support is available Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm est
12How will customers find my site?
We start by optimizing your site and making sure that the code and structure are search engine friendly. We then submit your Website to the major search engines.
13Will Turn 2 Interactive help me market my company on the Internet?
Yes. We are successful only if our small-business customers are successful. Our goal is to get you started by building a solid foundation, providing exceptional maintenance services, and educating you on how to broadcast your offerings to the global market.
14How long will it take to build a Website?
Based on the Web site needs of your business, We can build your site in as few as 15 working days.
15What is the process for creating a Web site for my business?
We give you a road map for the entire process, from planning and selecting the right technologies for your business to launching and marketing your company on the Internet. Here are the steps:

1) After joining we will send you our start up kit, this will help us with planning the content, pages, and sections of your new Web site it will also assist you with the gathering of photographs, and graphics for your new site.

2) Send us all of your information, and we’ll start building your site.

3) We will contact you once your site is finished.
16How do I start planning to build my website?
We know how important it is to plan before building your site. Our Design Strategy will help you learn more about how to begin planning your presence on the Web.
17How do I work with Turn 2 Interactive once I sign up to build a Website?
Our team of designers and staff will help you build your site. We’ll walk you through our easy process to get your site up and running.
18How do I prepare the graphic files and photography that I want on my Website?
Once you sign up we will send you a Start-up kit that tells you exactly what to do with photographs and graphics.
19Can Turn 2 Interactive provide graphics that are relevant to my business?
Yes. we have industry-specific graphics that you can use for your own site.
20Why do I need a Web site?
The Internet is having a profound effect on the economy, the world of communications, and the way business is conducted on a daily basis. This computer-based worldwide information network enables people to communicate and share resources more effectively and inexpensively than ever before. Can you afford not to take advantage of such a powerful business tool?